What do you do
when you feel yourself sinking—
when the weight of all that could be
feels like ten thousand universes
pressing on a body
meant to carry only
one human spirit?
Do you turn to faith,or science, or education?
Do you seek despair,or anger, or revenge?
Where do those paths lead?
When you emerge,
on the other side of this journey
will your presence have been a
beacon of hope,
or a force of destruction?
We each have the power to choose.
We decide who we love,
who we become.
We decide who we walk beside,
and who we leave behind.
We decide whether the gifts we leave
are material wealth,
or spiritual guideposts
for those who come after.
We only get one chance -
the mark we make in the world
is shaped by every decision,
every path we take.
Whatever we choose to build,
or to break,
echoes in the lives of those who follow,
and in the end,
their legacy,
built with the tools we left them,
is the only one
that really matters.
kfr, 17 November 2024