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tools for transformation

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Do You Want More?


Are you a person feeling - searching - seeking more connection to other people and the world around us?


Are you feeling burned out and overwhelmed.


Do you believe that human dignity, our relationships with each other, and the care of the

earth are essential?


Did you grow up in a church, but experienced rejection because of who you are or who you love? Are you still carrying the trauma you experienced?


Do you believe that asking questions is an important step to growth and learning?


Are you ready to find a new way to thrive and transform?


Aigne is there with you.

Aigne (pronounced Ag-nuh) is an old Gaelic word that means spirit.


If you are hoping to deepen the conversations within your community around race, religion, gender, identity, or sexuality...


If you want a ceremony or ritual, like a blessing for a marriage...


If you are seeking someone to help guide you as you heal and reconnect with the world after religious trauma...


Aigne will walk with you.


The larger your beloved community, the more you can accomplish in the world.
Thich Nhat Hanh

I am Rev. Dr. Kimi Floyd Reisch.


I grew up in a conservative religious tradition that shamed and rejected me because of who I am. I am determined to fight the wave of Christian nationalism that continues to impact communities and individuals. I am ordained through The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries and am currently serving a Unitarian Universalist congregation as the Program Ministry Director.


I am a humanist celebrant and chaplain, with an undergraduate degree in Gender and Ethnic Studies, a Master of Divinity degree with focus in social transformation, and hold a Doctor of Ministry in Public Theology.


For over a decade, I worked to help churches declare themselves Open and Affirming to LGBTQ+ people and their families. Today, I am committed to extending that work by building the Beloved Community, a commitment that centered the Civil Rights movement of the mid-20th century.


We all have a story to share.


I can help you or your community

discover your stories,

using them to guide you to walk in

deeper engagement and connection.


Are you ready to experience

radical love?


Are you ready to find out what can happen when you expand the possibilities?





The Beloved Community is a vision of the world that could be but not yet is, a world where the needs of all are met, where are can thrive, where hate, poverty and hunger no longer limit human potential.




If we want a beloved community, we must stand for justice, have recognition for difference without attaching privilege to difference...Beloved community is formed not by the eradication of difference but by its affirmation, by each of us claiming the identities and cultural legacies that shape who we are and how we live in the world.

bell hooks




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